I want to Kick-Start My Coaching Business

Are you?

  • Struggling to build momentum?
  • Feeling overwhelmed with no idea where to start?
  • Worried that you will never be able to pursue your dream of having your own coaching business?
  • Making goals but then getting distracted and not following through?
  • Struggling to get a plan together?
  • Frustrated because you KNOW you have so much more to offer and you’re ready to finally GO FOR IT!

Is this YOU?? If so, you are DEFINITELY NOT ALONE!

So what's a coach to do? 

I want to Kick-Start My Coaching Business

I'm Paula, owner of The Coaching Business Mentor and I’m here to HELP YOU - you don’t have to do it by yourself any longer. I’ve had my own business for the past 12 years and I’ve learned a thing or two about creating a successful coaching business in a competitive market! In fact I made just about every mistake in the book and was so close to being another ‘failed business statistic’ but luckily I was able to turn it all around! Now I can teach you what you NEED TO DO to build a blueprint for a profitable and fulfilling coaching business AND what you absolutely need to avoid!

I Teach You Step by Step

I’ll teach you step by step exactly what you need to do to set up your business for success so that you can start making decisions in your business with passion, clarity and certainty. You will learn to stop wasting time and money on things that won’t add any value and you will learn how to get some focus and confidence.

 So Why Am I The Best Person For You?

I am a successful entrepreneur, a business mentor and a coach – the three things that you DEFINITELY need right now. More importantly, I’ve navigated the journey that is ahead of you, I know the way so I can act as a guide!

And yes, while I do have a flexible business that consistently generates 6k+ months in part-time hours, I didn’t always. In fact, there were so many periods when I felt like I hadn’t a clue what I was doing or whether my business was ever going to be at the level I wanted it to be.

I have invested heavily with my time, attention and finances over the past 10 years to learn and grow my coaching business and now, I can share that with you. 

I’ve created an incredible 3 MONTH PROGRAMME with a LIVE GROUP ROUND starting 2nd November 23 that will…

  • Give you direction and focus ! I’ll help you zoom in on exactly what you need to do progress your business in the direction that YOU want it to go in!
  • Show you exactly how to reach the right people
  • Show you exactly how to get your message across
  • Stop you getting distracted and putting things on the long finger
  • Give you confidence in yourself and your abilities
  • Show you exactly how to measure your progress
  • During LIVE rounds, give you access to me on live calls so that you can ask specific questions about areas you’re struggling with
  • Give you membership of a private FB group where you can brainstorm with other participants
  • Give you a clear idea as to where the money will come from

How does that sound? I am hoping it’s just what you need right now.

I want to Kick-Start My Coaching Business

I’ve had my own business for over 12 years. I’ve learned the hard way what you need to do (and what you absolutely shouldn’t do) to build a profitable business that you love.

I walk you, step by step, through all of the topics and marketing knowledge that you’re going to need. We look at a new topic every fortnight to give you time to digest what you’ve learned but still keep up the momentum in building your business.  

Let’s take a look at what you’ll cover in your fortnightly modules:


Kick-Start Your Coaching Business

Module 1:       Your Business Vision

This is where we start the lay the foundations for your coaching business. Before you can start to put yourself out there, you need to understand what you're aiming for - what does success look like to you? If you don't know what you're aiming for, how will you know when you get there?

 Module 2:       Who are your people? Finding your Ideal customer!

I place a lot of importance on finding your people and your ideal client because, once you crack it, it makes your marketing so much easier, cheaper and more effective. It is probably the single most important thing that helped my business succeed.

Module 3:       Mind Monkeys & Confidence

In this module, we tackle the mind monkey’s aka inner gremlins! We face the question ‘Who Am I to think I could do this?’ head on and shine a light on it. We look at you, your expertise, your strengths & how to establish yourself as the ‘GoTo’ coach or therapist in your field.

 Module 4:       Packages & Pricing

This is all about learning to play Snap! Playing snap is when your passion and your offering is the perfect solution to your ideal customers’ needs. We will also learn about resonant pricing and how to price your services.

 Module 5:       Magnetic Marketing Message & Copywriting

 In this module I will show you what you need to be saying in your marketing to boost your sales. You will learn how to use emotions rather than facts to boost sales and get clients in the door.

Module 6:       Marketing Plans & Goal Setting

Learn how to create a simple, useful and usable marketing plan that you can implement in 10 minutes per day!

I want to Kick Start My Coaching Business

So what does Kick-Start your Coaching Business include?

  • 6 Modules (one released each fortnight) that you can listen to any time – so you can work it around your busy life
  • A comprehensive workbook for each module
  • Membership of a private FB discussion/brainstorming group during live rounds where I’ll dip in with thoughts, advice and insights throughout the month and you can compare notes on your workbooks and homework
  • Lifetime Access to the course content including any updates and additional live rounds

 This LIVE ROUND of Kick-Start Your Coaching Business begins on 2nd November and is all about GETTING RESULTS.

That’s why I’ve created the course in this way. It’s designed to be simple, clear, easy to understand and implement and it will help you to kick-start your business and make more money – QUICKLY.

 The financial investment for 'Kick Start Your Coaching Business' is €333 pay in full. Or you can get started from an investment of €111 if you would like to spread your payments out over the 3 months. (Extended payment plans are available upon request)

This is for you if:

  • You're relatively new to business
  • You need to learn the basics and get started making money and attracting clients
  • You need simple, actionable steps and guidance
  • You want to understand the BIG picture of your business and how marketing works
  • You want to build your business on solid foundations with clear and realistic goals for growth
  • You are open and willing to learn
  • You have the time and the financial resources to invest in this. (If you need a 6 month extended payment plan, please let me know. I never penalise or charge extra for payment plans)
  • You are willing to do the work and take personal responsibility for your results.


This is not for you if:

  • You've been in business over 3 years
  • You already have a good grip on the your marketing
  • You are clear on who your ideal client is
  • You have a working marketing plan in place
  • You know how to price and sell your offers
  • You are brand new to business, know nothing about marketing but expect to be able to be earning 3-5k a month within a few weeks. (Unfortunately, this is a 'promise' or marketing message put out there by other coaches and I think it's unfair as it creates unrealistic expectations and then disheartenment and business dreams abandonment. ) Building a business takes time. If you're looking for quick fixes, I'm not the right mentor for you.
  • You've already sold packages or client sessions consistently (Check out my other packages that would be a better fit for you)
I want to Kick-Start My Coaching Business

Over the past few months I've been approached by coaches & therapists all around the world asking how to set up a successful coaching business. 'Kick-Start Your Coaching Business' is my answer!

The number one reason I’m doing this is because it is needed! I am very aware of the fact that I could have easily been another 'failed' business statistic. There were many times that I was very close to having to pack it in. A course like this didn't exist and that is why I have created for you. I want you to go after your dreams, get out of your comfort zone and have an amazing business and life doing something that you love to do!

 A programme like this would usually cost well in excess of €3000 for just the training modules and group coaching calls alone. The Facebook Group will give you a 24 hour forum where you can brainstorm away and learn from the others about what’s working for them. I’ve Made This Super Affordable For You!

I’ve made it affordable for you because I want you:

  • To make that leap and get your coaching business going
  • To find the focus and direction you need to go after your dream
  • Bring your passion to the world
  • Make a difference
  • Be even more successful
  • (Plus- full disclosure from a marketing perspective- I know you will love this course and it will make such a difference to you. I know you will continue to work with me and trust me as your business grows. I know that you'll tell others about me too. I play the long game in business)

So – because I want you to be able to afford this, the 3 MONTH PROGRAMME is available to you at

Just €333

Why Work With Me?

I'm Paula Cashin and I am The Coaching Business Mentor.

I’ve been self employed as a coach since 2011- so there’s not much I haven’t seen or heard and I’ve been mentoring other coaches with their business since 2013.

I created my first digital course in 2013 when all the tech had to be jigsawed together! So I fully understand the struggles and overwhelm that can occur when you’re moving your business online so rest assured, I’ve got you!

I’ve rebranded my business 3 times over the past decade as I figured out my best market and most aligned work- it can be tricky and frustrating at times to figure out your ‘one thing’ and where you fit. I get that and can support you in navigating your way through it.

I’ve created hundreds of pieces of content and have been featured in The Washington Post, UpWorthy, Irish Country Magazine, The Independent as well as numerous other national publications and radio stations. I love this area of marketing as there are so many possibilities with content and it doesn’t have to be hard. I can support you to find a simple way to create content that works for you and gets you noticed in your market.

I’ve had 14k months when I was belting out ‘I’m Walking on Sunshine’ and interestingly, both 20k and 0k months when I retreated into my own world for weeks and hid, feeling like I wasn’t good enough. I would still consider myself a huge scaredy cat when I’m faced with a new challenge but I know what I need to do to keep moving forwards.

I'm a busy Mama and my eldest is 8 and youngest is almost 2 so I've been building my flexible business in part-time hours, often less than 10 hours a week.

That's my CV in a nutshell!

I want to Kick-Start My Business

As Seen In...

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions that are most frequently asked:

Is Kick-Start a Self Study course?

Kick-Start Your Coaching Business is a self study programme with lifetime access. Occasionally (at least once a year) I run it as a live programme over 3 months with fortnightly coaching calls. 

Once you purchase the course, you have access for life to the materials, any updates and any live rounds that I run.

Is there a payment plan available?

Yes, there is a payment plan available to offer my flexibility. The pay in full price is €333 or if you would prefer, you can spread your payments over 3 months so that would be 3 x monthly payments of €111.

Please note, the course cost is €333 so if you opt for the payment plan, you will be contracting for the full amount due.

Re Refunds: Due to the digital download nature of this course, refunds are not available.

However, I want everyone to be thrilled with everything they purchase from me so I  do give clients 48 hours from purchase to review the first module and you are not satisfied it is not the right fit for you, please request a refund and we will look after that for you.

How long does it take to complete the "Kick Start Your Coaching Business" program?

The program is structured over 3 months, with each fortnight dedicated to a specific module or topic. Ideally you would want to give 3-4 hours per week to the coourse.

However, we understand that everyone progresses at their own pace.

With lifetime access to the course material, you can revisit any section as often as needed, ensuring you truly grasp and implement every concept. (And join in any live rounds!)

Is there any accountability or mentorship as part of the Kick-Start Your Coaching Business course?

As this is a self study course, there is no built in mentorship or accountability.

(With the exception of the live rounds- during the live round which happens at least once a year, you will have access to a facebook group, group support and fortnightly coaching/mentoring calls)

However, you are invited to join The Get Sh!t Done Club if you would like additional support- in which planning, progress and accountability are at its core.

Disclaimer:  Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential.  Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of investment and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money or launch your business if you don't show up and do the work ;) 

I want to Kick-Start My Coaching Business