I know that YOU want to impact the hearts and lives of the people you feel called to help, earn amazing money doing the work you love and create the freedom & flexibility you know the solopreneur lifestyle can give you and your family.

Well, I have the expertise, knowledge and shortcuts you need to help you become the person that makes all that possible- AND I can teach you how.

I teach in a step-by-step, hands on, practical way that breaks down the overwhelm and confusion and get you to where you want to go without wasting time, energy or money.

Get Clear, Get Brave & Get Going is a 6 month journey for determined, open hearted and playful self employed women who want to make the next chapter of their life the one where they grow into themselves and their gifts.

with 6 months spent paying close attention to yourself, your life, 
your business, your goals, 6 months of inspired accountability,  and bucket loads of loving support!

It's your time and you're ready for the next step.

It’s time to activate your dreams.  To celebrate your growth and progress.


  • You are, in general, positive about life! (Don't worry, I know you'll have ups and downs but overall, you'd see yourself as a glass half full kinda gal!)
  • You’re hungry to find a way to wholeheartedly express who you truly are through your work and your play!
  • You are committed to putting it all out there: your dreams, your doubts and your challenges.
  • You are ready to be honest with yourself and get real about what is and isn’t working in your life.
  • You’re willing to put in the work needed to make it happen
  • You believe that you are worthy of a happy, successful, meaningful life and are ready to allow the good stuff in!


  • You’re not willing to commit to yourself and your growth for the next 6 months.
  • You’re not willing to take ownership of your actions and choices.
  • You think life and business is shit and believe that things will always be hard.
  • You don't believe you are worthy enough to invest in with your own time, energy and money.


  • You qualified in the last few years or you’re in the process of doing so now. You've invested in the training and in yourself with the expectation and hope of the business you could create..... But you've no clue how to run a business, do the marketing, get clients etc etc You’re really struggling. 

  • You’re seeing so many people in the coaching and mentoring world give business tips and tell you what you should do.. You follow their advice or attend their training, buy their course but it's only a piece of the puzzle and you STILL can't see the bigger picture or how it all fits together. You're in paralysis, you're not making progress and self doubt is starting to creep in more consistently now. 

  • You’re spending a lot of physical, mental and emotional energy each week being ‘busy’ with your coaching business, but still you're not seeing the progress or results that you want in terms of the income, clients and impact you desire. 

  • It feels like you're always fighting against the clock. You don't have 60-70 hours a week to invest in this. You've either got kids, caring responsibilities or you're creating this business on a part-time basis while you work another job. You wonder is it possible to even do this in the first place? You're putting off actions because you're afraid of doing something wrong that will set you back even further.

  • You keep looking to see what other people are doing. You're checking out other websites feeling pangs of 'they're better than me' or 'it's already been done' and it leaves you feeling even more inadequate. 

  • All the noise in the industry feels heavy and you don't feel good because all you see is 'Six Figures in 6 Minutes a Day' type posts OR coaches and colleagues who have given up on their dreams. You're wanting to see that goldilocks 'just right' space where coaches & therapists are making a really good living, doing work they love and in a flexible way.

And yet despite all that uncertainty and frustration ... You Still Want What You Want.

 You think about it all the time, you feel it in your soul, you know that spark of desire to make the impact you want to make  isn't going to go away until you make it happen. You just wish you could get that clear road map, get out of your own way, stop feeling so unsure and like  a scaredy cat and just do it. 

If any of the above feels familiar to you…

‘Get Clear, Get Brave, Get Going’ 6 month partnership could be exactly what you need. 

understand that everything you yearn for is within your reach,
it's the time to cultivate the courage to go after your dreams,

and to commit to your happiness.


What will you do?


Will you?

  • Be recognised as the go-to expert in your area? 
  • Start showing up as yourself and putting your work and ideas out there? 
  • Take on a team of life and business support to help you grow? 
  • Write your book?
  • Have a waitlist of dream clients wanting to work with you? 
  • Be able to do the work you love and be free to go to every school play, dance recital and parent teacher meeting you want without having to ask for permission? 
  • Say yes to what you truly desire? 
  • Start your podcast? 
  • Be invited to contribute to articles and interviews on subjects you adore? 
  • Start seeing your bank accounts grow?

It’s all possible.  


Will you?

  • Finally just accept that you are fucking amazing without doubting yourself or playing small? 
  • Learn how to savour the gorgeousness of the world around you?  
  • Learn how to be the leader of your own mind and of your own life? 
  • Learn how to smack down imposter syndrome in its tracks before you start to spiral downwards into negativity?
  • Start to ask yourself the hard questions with compassion, or start to truly honour your values and your needs?  
  • Play bigger in your life and business with your talents? 
  • Learn to slow down and rest? Embrace uncertainty?
  • Be able to easily know what you want and have the courage to ask for what you need? 
  • Start to allow yourself to receive- the praise, the financial rewards, the support? 
  • Know how to stand up for yourself and put boundaries in place?

Take a few minute here.
Sit back, close your eyes, and visualise YOURSELF 6 months from now.

Imagine what it would feel like to be sitting here in 6 months time, knowing you didn’t procrastinate for another year or make excuses or put off really building your business.  How would you feel reveling in the fact that you spent quality time getting clear on your highest priorities, creating fiercely ambitious yet conquerable action plans, and then truly activating your desires? How would you feel looking back over the last 6 months thinking, 'Fuck me, I did it!'

Imagine creating progress in your business and your life one day at a time — one client, one baby step, one brave declaration, one expression, one new habit — at a time. Sustainable magic from which you can build and leverage.

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Imagine loving the life you live and truly living the life you love because your business has created that for you.

It would feel amazing, wouldn’t it?

That is what I want for you, simple as that.

But I don’t want you to feel like you have to do it alone…

I don't know about you but personally, I think there's something really comforting knowing you have months of loving support to make it happen, no?

of step by step, the 'how to' that you need, breaking down the big picture, deep work on worthiness & confidence, igniting excitement,
and calling out of bullshit when you start getting in your own way.

The "Get Clear, Get Brave, Get Going" Programme is your way forward:

1 x Deep Dive Session (approx 2 hours) to Kick Off where we dream and scheme and get you completely clear on what you want to create in the 6 months

60 minute COACHING sessions with PAULA every 2 weeks,

12 months complimentary access to The Get Sh!t Done Club,


ACCESS TO ANY OF MY ONLINE COURSES which will be beneficial to you,


It’s 6 months because I want you to remain dedicated to your dreams and focused on the possibilities ahead of you for that length of time.  I want you to have the chance to ride the rollercoaster of motivation, life and business with me by your side. I want you to learn the powerful skill of grounding yourself when you feel lost or disconnected. I want you to have 6 months of support to integrate new habits, to take action and make changes in a way that works for you and your life.

We will be starting our adventure together with a Deep Dive session where 'll start dreaming and scheme the next 6 months.

YOU WILL BE VISIONING YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS, getting clarity around your values, your beliefs and desires so that we are able to start creating your action plans.

Illuminating questions, wholehearted listening, and soulful strategies for life and business.

By the end of our time together, we’ll have dug deep and worked, laughed and cried our way through 6 months together. No topic is off limits and we may have covered everything from sex to money, passion to contribution, speaking our truth to using our power. We’ll have witnessed magic together. You will have pushed your edges and taken some scary leaps, but gratefully enjoyed the journey.

What else is included in 'Get Clear, Get Brave, Get Going'? Read on.

Access to any of my Online Courses for additional learning — Right now, we're talking Reclaim Your Business Mojo, All You Need is Love, Kick Start Your Coaching Business as well as anything else I create for Injoyability including The Wisdom Circle 2025!

Surprises. Like in the goody packages in the mail. A call out of the blue to sing you a song! Happy Unbirthday pressies!  You know — surprises!

I've got your back. If you're about to do something scary, I will know and I will support you. If you're going through a rough time and need a pep talk, we can hop on the phone. This is how I work.


Financial Investment


Your investment is payable either in full or via a no penalty payment plan with a deposit of €300 and 6 monthly payments of €150.

(If you are self employed (or intend to be) and need invoices for this training/mentoring, that's no problem at all so please just let me know)

The investment of your personal resources of time, energy and attention is extremely high with this programme. There will be no hiding for the next 6 months, no shying away or giving up. I understand that life has its ups and downs as do our mood and energy but you will be committing to yourself at the highest level to look after yourself and your greater good.

Questions, concerns or want to jump straight in?  You can easily reach me at hello@injoyability.com — please understand, however, I'm not glued to my email or phone so expect a 48-72 hour reply time!

Apply here


And if you somehow made it to the bottom of this page and don’t have a clue who I am? 



I’m Paula. 

The Life Coach for Business Owners. The 'Marie Kondo' of Business. 

Coach. Mentor. Hypnotherapist. Teacher. Mama. Scaredy Cat. Adventurer. Truth Teller. Bullshit Caller!

I'm here to help you bridge the gap between where you are right now and what you desire. The 'Get Clear, Get Brave, Get Going' partnership is the most personalised way I deliver my mentoring & coaching and make a contribution to the world by being myself and sharing my expertise.  

I'm all about working smart and being aligned because it has to work for you and your life. I mentor on 'The How' and I coach/hypnotise on 'The Heart' of business. I have to be honest with you- you can't do one without the other. The women I work with are heart-centred and usually leaning towards the introvert side- the hustle culture just isn’t for them. My approach is all about sustainability.

By empowering other coaches, therapists and business owners to get clear, get brave and get going in their business and create their empires, I believe I'm igniting an inner sparkle of joy, self belief and magic. The ultimate aim is for that to have a ripple effect- a world full of evolved, determined,  brave, joyful, kind and wealthy women equals all sorts of happiness, compassion, creativity for everyone in the world and that can only be a good thing!

I hope you choose to take a risk and apply for 'Get Clear, Get Brave, Get Going' 6 month partnership!  

Excuse my language, but it’s a fucking fantastic way to spend 6 months!

As Seen In...

Disclaimer:  Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential.  Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of investment and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money or get any of your shit done if you don't do the work! ;)