Kick-Start Your Coaching Business

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Kick-Start Your Coaching Business

Excited to kick things into high gear with your coaching dream? Well, I have exactly what you need!

What's Included?

- Six In-Depth Modules: Over the span of three months, we'll roll out a new topic every two weeks. We're talking everything from carving out your unique business vision to nailing down that magnetic marketing message.

- Special Live Round Perks: When I run the 3 month live rounds (which is at least once a year!), you get access to an exclusive Facebook group with other course participants. Consider it our own little mastermind sanctuary to go deep. You will also get 3 months of support and 6 fortnightly coaching & mentoring calls.

- Lifetime Access, All Yours: And the best part? Once you're in, you're in for life. Every update, every tweak, every bit of added magic – it's all yours.

Why This is the Boost You Need:

Taking off with your coaching or therapy business can feel like a mix of pure thrill and "What on earth am I doing?!" But with the right tools, guidance, and a sprinkle of passion, it doesn't have to be so daunting. For just €333, I'm handing over the keys to all the insights and strategies that took me years to gather.

So, ready to team up and make those coaching dreams a reality? Let's get to it! 🌟

EUR 333
Total due EUR 333

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