The Wisdom Circle 2020

The Wisdom Circle is practical magic. It's a 3 week online course that supports you through a simple yet powerful process to change your life- in all areas.


This course will help you to.....

  • Pull all the good stuff from the past 12 months and leave behind what no longer serves you
  • Connect with like -minded women as you immerse yourself in powerful yet fun personal development work
  • Choose a 'theme' for the coming year to keep you supported, focused and feeling grounded
  • Give you permission and encouragement to put your attention on what you are craving and desiring in your life
  • Hold space for you to plan and prioritise what you want to spend your precious resources of time and energy on this year

Whether you've just had the most incredible year, made your wildest dreams come true and need to take some time to appreciate it, savour it and create a new vision for the next 12 months.......


If you’re finishing up 2019 feeling frustrated, out of alignment, unaware of your desires or just completely stuck

Then join us because this is exactly what you need.


You See....

Knowledge is a powerful ally. Gaining knowledge on what is working well, what’s been kinda crappy and what you are really craving right now can really make a huge difference in your life. It can be the difference between a year you feel has spun out of your control and one that feels like you’re aligning with your true self and true desires.

One really important thing that I believe gets skipped during  Christmas and the first few weeks of a New Year; is setting aside time to gain wisdom and reflect on the past 12 months.

We have such an amazing ability to learn, to grow, develop and there are so many lessons available to us from the past 12 months, both failures and successes! The thing is though that if we don’t pay attention to those lessons, we lose them and we lose the knowledge we could have gained from them! (And then we might have to repeat the lesson over and over again!)

Gaining knowledge takes trust. It takes patience. It takes effort. It needs space. It needs attention. It needs energy. It needs you to notice, take heed, pay attention.

That is why I have created this programme- to hold a time and space for you to connect to your own wisdom and your own desires for 2020.

Is this what you want for 2020?


Often we keep doing the same things, and repeating the same patterns because we haven't had a chance to stop, review and reflect. This is what you will be doing in this course-raising your awareness so you can make some big changes in 2020....


When you raise your awareness, you get clarity on what you really want. You see what's working and what's not and that is a brilliant thing! It means you can start making tweaks to change your life, your relationships, your finances- everything! And start crafting a dream life that's in alignment with who you are!


Want an achievable plan and clear goals? Look no further! By the end of this course, you'll have identified your dreams and desires and be on track to create positive habits and change your mindset with ease...

This allows your to set up your life and lifestyle so that it supports you!


Amazing coach - I’ve done three courses with Paula over the last few years and always follow her great videos and love the newsletters I get into my email. I have got so much from them. No matter how you’re feeling - real positive and ambitious or negative and lacking direction, Paula helps you to learn how to help yourself and key into your own inner wisdom. Thanks for creating such a fantastic, positive community ❤️




 This incredible 3 week course will bring you away from that fuzzy wooly feeling of wondering where the hell time is going to understanding exactly where you’ve been for the past 12 months and exactly what you need in the 12 months to come.

This is what we'll be covering...

Week 1:

Review & Reflect

Gain the Wisdom from 2019 & Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

Week 2:

Dreams and Desires

Allow yourself to desire and dream what you want for a magical 2019

Week 3:


Turning your dreams and desires into powerful support systems and meaningful action plans!

I've done the Wisdom Circle for the past 3 years now. It's become part of my holiday tradition and a perfect way for me to get some 'me time' and clarity! I love looking back over my workbooks and seeing the progress I've made year to year! - Joanna


What’s included?

  • 3 Training calls with Paula leading you through the 3 week course!
  • 9 Sweet Emails to keep you on track and focused
  • Your own gorgeous workbook
  • A private online community of like-hearted women
  • Quarterly check in calls to review your progress and set our intentions for the next quarter!

You're in safe hands with me, I've been supporting women to create a life that they love for almost 10 years and have been featured in.......

What I'm offering you.....

I’ll be leading you through the training, teaching, story-telling and sharing wisdom with you, having a bit of fun just being myself; you’ll be listening and writing (possibly drinking wine/baileys/tea and having some tasty nibbles!).

There will be no more than 90 minutes a week of challenges to be done each week! I get it, we’re all busy and there’s a million other things striving for your attention! So, we keep it short and sweet to help keep your focus and the group is there to help ground you if you feel a bit lost!

Once you register, you’ll get immediate access to the Wisdom Circle Workbook (available from 1st December 2019) to use during the training and to complete your challenges in between. (I’d totally recommend that you get it printed out and either have it bound as a little book for yourself or put it in a binder and keep all your notes together!) This way you have your own workbook full of your dreams and desires to refer to all year long. It’s an easy way to check in with yourself and keep yourself on track! (We’ll also be doing community calls every quarter to check in!)

You’ll also have immediate access to a secret online community which will be our online hub to gather, share our stories and our wisdom! We will work through the challenges together, reveal our revelations and lessons learnt, dream and scheme together, identify what we’re yearning for in 2020 and celebrate our successes! Seriously though, doing this kind of personal work within the sisterhood of other positive and passionate women just adds that extra level of ass whooping motivation we all need!

You’ll get an email from me 3 times per week during the Wisdom Circle with some journal prompts, call recordings and log in details as well as some Dig Deep challenges for extra points!

I’m going to be honest with you — this is one of my favourite programmes! It’s sisterhood and connection and incredibly powerful

I’m so looking forward to gathering with you to tell stories, hear your stories, share my knowledge, hold space for that crappy stuff that we just need to acknowledge and let go and then celebrate the amazing things both big and small. And seriously, nothing makes me happier than to see you shaking off the old bad habits and mindsets, allowing yourself to dream big, practice gratitude and watch the action planning unveil the magic you will create for yourself in 2020!

The Wisdom Circle was home to over 350 women from around the world in 2016, 2017 & 2018 and I hope to have the privilege of working with you all again!

Ready to sign up?

The Wisdom Circle is exactly what you need to make progress in your life in 2020. It's a 3 week online group course that really packs a punch YET, I do my best to keep it as affordable and accessible to everyone! Here are your options to join us!

Wisdom Circle 3 Week Course


The beautiful 42 page Wisdom Circle workbook

3 Live Training Calls (Our 1st call is at 12pm on New Years Eve & it's recorded so no problem if you can't make it live!)

A private online hub to get support and cheer everyone on

9 emails throughout the 3 weeks to keep you on track

Quarterly group calls to check in and review your progress throughout the year

Most Popular

Wisdom Circle with 1 hour 1:1 session via Zoom

€149- Sold Out!


The beautiful 42 page Wisdom Circle workbook

3 Live Training Calls (Our 1st call is at 12pm on New Years Eve & it's recorded so no problem if you can't make it live!)

A private online hub to get support and cheer everyone on

9 emails throughout the 3 weeks to keep you on track

Quarterly group calls to check in and review your progress throughout the year


A 1 hour 1:1 private life, love or biz coaching session with Paula via Zoom in January or February 2020

(This is a hugely discounted session and will not be offered again at this price)

Doors close on 31st December at 10am

The countdown has officially begun! I'll see you on the inside! 









Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

Help! I can't find my welcome email!

Don’t worry, it may have popped into your spam folder! Make sure you add paula @ to your safe senders list. If you can’t find it there, just pop me an email and the team will sort it out for you pronto!

Do you offer a payment plan?

Absolutely, if you'd like to split the course fee up into 2 or 3 payments, just pop me an email and I'll sort it out for you! Anything that makes the course accessible to you, let me know.

Can I give this course as a gift?

Of course and it makes a fantastic Christmas present! If you’re purchasing a place for yourself and want a friend to do the course with you, then pop me an email to paula @ and myself or my team will get it set up for you!

Where can I get my workbook printed?

In Ireland, I would use Reads who always do a great job of printing and binding my workbook. Use this link, choose where to send it, whether you want full colour, which binding and then enter your address and they’ll post it out to you. Again, if you’re buying as a gift to you or someone else, it’s lovely to have a physical present!

Do you offer refunds?

I will happily offer a refund for the first 7 days from the commencement of the course on the 29th December 2019. If you don’t think the Wisdom Circle was worth your investment and you can show me that you’ve fully completed the first week of your workbook, just ask me for a refund and I’ll make it happen!

Why? Because I know that if you put in the work, you’ll get insane value from this course. I’ve spent enough years teaching this and I know it’s effective, worthwhile and game-changing.

How much time will this take?

The course runs for 3 weeks starting on the 29th December. Each week there will be a training call approximately 90 minutes long and we do the work live on that call. All calls will be recorded so you don't worry if you miss it- you can always work through at your own pace. I'd encourage you to give yourself an additional 30 minutes or so each week to finish off anything.

Where Can I find out more about you?

Thanks so much for asking! My main website is and you can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin